Hello & Welcome

This website is for those who enjoy a good Australian yarn. Many people are interested in tracing the past history of their families. We celebrate a convict and treasure a connection with the traditional owners of our country. We value the stories that have been passed down through the generations; stories of war, drought and hardship on the land, and good luck and hard toil associated with the search for gold. There are refugee stories and migrant stories. Some are of great escapes and others of great valour. Still others record the dastardly deeds of black sheep we pretend to shun, but treasure for the colour they add to our tale. 1918 marks the end of World War I, a last opportunity to add a story about the conflict. There is a special page in our Stories section for tales about the war. Please contribute to it here.
Diggers- A book of 110 World War I Veteran’s StoriesThis is not a book about generals or battles. It is a book about 110 ordinary Australians who served in the AIF during World War I. They were farmers, school teachers, clerks, miners and labourers. The youngest was 17 and the oldest 45. Some were heroes, others cowards. Many of their parents and grandparents were Australian pioneers, others were newly arrived immigrants. All had interesting stories to tell about Australia’s early years, the war and life in Australia during the first half of the 20th Century.
A list of those featured in the book here
Read some of their stories here.
This is a site for writers of Australian stories. It is thought that everyone has a story, an incident, a person or a place that is worth recording. If you have a short story that you would like to share, send it to us. Your contributions will be posted in the Stories section of our website.
Periodically a listener will comment ‘That’s so interesting you should write a book about it.” Some of us do. If your book is ready for its readers we will promote it and sell it in our bookshop. All stories are welcome, be they fact or fiction, providing they say something about our past and the people who shaped it. We firmly believe that these stories – personal stories, bring history alive. If you would like to feature your book in our bookshop, contact us here.
This is an interactive site and depends on your impute to make it interesting. If you have read one of our books, we encourage you to post a review. Our authors would be grateful for feedback about their books.
Why not contribute to our blog. Topics covers are not restricted to family stories or history. They range through natural history, the environment, contemporary issues, if fact anything that is relevant and interesting. All suggestions are welcome.
We hope that you are enjoying your experience at Australian Family Stories. We would appreciate your comments on the site and its content. You can contact us here.